Faculty Development

Welcome to the Faculty Development Resource Hub. The mission of the Faculty Development Program at the Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine is to cultivate a community of dedicated physicians committed to excellence in medical education, research, and practice. We aim to enhance the knowledge, skills, and teaching abilities of our faculty members and community partners, preparing them to inspire and educate the next generation of healthcare professionals.

  • Our Faculty Development Resource Hub is dedicated to supporting the professional growth and success of our faculty. We offer assistance and resources to promote the progress and enhancement of our faculty. Here, you will find a curated selection of tools and materials designed to enhance teaching, research, and service endeavors. Our resources include:

    Magna Digital Library 

    The Magna Digital Library offers our faculty a vast array of professional development resources, seamlessly integrating with our institution's commitment to teaching excellence. This online platform provides on-demand access to expert-led webinars, seminars, and publications, covering crucial topics from innovative teaching strategies to effective leadership in higher education. By leveraging this resource, our educators can stay current with best practices and enhance their instructional skills at their own pace. 

    • 20-Minute Mentor Commons 

    Recognizing the time constraints our faculty face, the 20-Minute Mentor series aligns perfectly with our goal of providing flexible, efficient professional development. These concise video presentations deliver targeted strategies on diverse teaching and learning topics, allowing our busy educators to quickly absorb and apply new techniques. By incorporating these bite-sized resources into our faculty development program, we support continuous improvement in teaching effectiveness and student engagement. 

    • The Magna Digital Library is a subscription-based service. Our institution maintains an active membership to provide our faculty with full access to this comprehensive collection of professional development resources. Contact the Director of Faculty Development for access instructions. 

    International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) 

    Our partnership with IAMSE allows for the enhancement of our faculty's global perspective on medical education. This international organization offers our educators a platform to exchange innovative teaching methods and curriculum design strategies with peers worldwide. Through IAMSE's annual conferences, webinar series, and peer-reviewed journal, our faculty can stay at the forefront of health sciences education, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation in our institution. 

    • IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminars 

    IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminars enhance our faculty's expertise in health sciences education through focused, expert-led sessions. These interactive webinars connect our educators with global leaders, exploring innovative teaching methods and current trends. By offering both live participation and on-demand access, this resource flexibly supports our faculty's ongoing professional growth, ultimately elevating the quality of education at our institution.  

    • IAMSE resources, including Webcast Audio Seminars, are not free. Our institution maintains an active subscription to provide these valuable professional development opportunities to our faculty. Contact the Director of Faculty Development for access instructions. 


    MedEdPORTAL serves as a valuable complement to our faculty development initiatives in health professions education. This free-access repository, provided by the Association of American Medical AAMC, offers peer-reviewed teaching and assessment resources across various healthcare disciplines. By integrating MedEdPORTAL into our program, we empower our educators to enhance their curricula with high-quality, classroom-tested materials, promoting evidence-based teaching practices and interdisciplinary learning.  Click to access MedEdPORTAL.

  • Provides support to faculty members interested in medical education research methodology as needed. 

    Contact Dr. Ganti, Director of Research,


  • Offers guidance on educational software and digital resources to support faculty in their teaching and research activities.


    Shazam Mohammed


  • Provides support for navigating academic resources, including literature search strategies, scholarly publication identification, and maximizing library services.

    Contact Kelly Peter, Director of Library Services,

    Kelly Peter


Faculty Development Opportunities

OCOM is committed to providing faculty with the support and resources needed to excel in academic careers. Explore our offerings and take advantage of the opportunities available to enhance your professional journey.

  • Monthly lunch sessions (2nd Thursday of the month)

    Our BBLS offers a flexible and informal platform for ongoing learning, networking, and communication building among faculty, staff, and students. The series will feature guest speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and presentations.

  • Our Grand Rounds series offers faculty and trainees the opportunity to 

    • Engage with cutting-edge research and clinical advances

    • Learn from expert speakers across various medical specialties

    • Discuss complex cases and innovative treatment approaches

    • Network with colleagues and foster interdisciplinary collaboration

    • Earn continuing medical education (CME) credits

    Grand Rounds will be held [every other month, beginning in September on Wednesday. For upcoming topics and speakers, please visit our Grand Rounds schedule link (available soon).

    Faculty members interested in presenting at Grand Rounds should contact the Director of Faculty Development for more information.

  • IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminars 

    IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminars enhance our faculty's expertise in health sciences education through focused, expert-led sessions. These interactive webinars connect our educators with global leaders, exploring innovative teaching methods and current trends. By offering both live participation and on-demand access, this resource flexibly supports our faculty's ongoing professional growth, ultimately elevating the quality of education at our institution.  

    Our institution maintains an active subscription to provide these valuable professional development opportunities to our faculty. 

    For access instructions, contact: The Director of Faculty Development for access instructions. 

  • The Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine has an institutional subscription to the Teaching Physician. Teaching Physician resource covers essential topics for medical educators, including instructional methods, constructive feedback techniques, assessment strategies, and core principles of clinical supervision.

    Teaching Physician provides access to complimentary online professional development resources for educators, covering topics such as: enhancing clinical instruction skills, mastering public speaking techniques, implementing active learning strategies, navigating competency-based medical education and more.

    Teaching Physician also includes links to free online faculty development opportunities in the areas of clinical teaching, public speaking, active learning, competency based medical education, and question writing.

    To Use Teaching Physician, log in at: https://www.teachingphysician.org/login

    For a access instructions, contact:

    The Director of Faculty Development

  • MedEdPORTAL serves as a valuable complement to our faculty development initiatives in health professions education. This free-access repository, provided by the Association of American Medical AAMC, offers peer-reviewed teaching and assessment resources across various healthcare disciplines.

    Click to access MedEdPORTAL.

  • Videos and training materials are accessible via faculty sign-in.

    OCOM is committed to providing faculty with the support and resources needed to excel in academic careers. Explore our offerings and take advantage of the opportunities available to enhance your professional journey.